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19 MAY 2024

We see Julian Free

Manifesting Freedom for Truth:
A Call to Unite for Julian Assange

19 May - 3 hours - Free

"If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth."
- Julian Assange

A Call to the Guardians of Light, beings of Love and Freedom

Beloved seekers of the sacred flame,

Gather under the banner of truth and grace.

Join us in a spiritual chorus for one of our warriors,

Julian Assange,

The tireless illuminator,

A sentinel of the unspoken,

The guardian of deep truths

hidden in the shadows of power.


Beloved beings of love and light, let us gather to call forth the energies of freedom and truth. To stand united for one of our own, Julian Assange—a guardian of truth, and transparency that served as a luminous beacon in the shadowed corridors of power.

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Founder of the biggest and most impactful Truth Movement of the modern age through WikiLeaks, Julian dedicated his life to a sacred quest to illuminate the hidden truths that shape our world. 

His revelations have peeled back the veils of secrecy, exposed the abuses of governments and empowered those who dare to speak truth to power, strengthening the foundations of transparency and accountability in governance. Through exposing wrongdoing at the highest levels and providing a voice to the voiceless, he has boldly shone a light on the covert operations of Power.
Julian has championed the right of every soul to live in a world informed by truth, thereby nurturing an informed citizenry capable of demanding integrity from those who lead. 
Despite being detained, silenced and hidden from public view, separated from his wife and children, in maximum security Belmarsh Prison, multi-award-winning journalist and publisher Julian Assange has become one of the loudest voices for free speech of our times.  

A man standing for truth, manifesting in our lifetime the dreams we all had as children to know truth, to be love, to end war, so we all can play in bliss. 

In his twenties, Julian lent his talents to the Australian Police Child Exploitation Squad, aiding in the capture of those who prayed on the innocent. His efforts helped convict paedophiles in Australia and Iceland, ensuring justice and safety for the children, and reflecting his unwavering commitment to serve the light. As the architect of WikiLeaks, Julian unveiled over ten million documents, shining a stark light on corruption, war crimes, and human rights abuses—secrets of states and empires, laid bare for all to see. His work has sparked global reforms and has been a catalyst for awakening, yet this path has come at great personal cost. We would not know of privacy violations and exploitation of our private data by secret services and corporations if it weren’t for this light bringer... Assange’s efforts have been monumental in promoting transparency and truth, making the opaque corridors of power visible to the public. His actions have safeguarded the rights and freedoms that form the very foundations of healthy communities. “Our organisation [Wikileaks] defends the public's right to be informed.” Julian Assange stands as a beacon of truth in a world where integrity often succumbs to hidden agendas.

Julian Assange stands as a beacon of truth in a world where integrity often succumbs to hidden agendas.

Free the Truth

Trailer: The Trust Fall

The disclosures of WikiLeaks from 2010 ignited a firestorm of controversy and resulted in his relentless and ongoing pursuit by the most powerful empire on the planet! For nearly a decade and a half, Julian has been confined—first, within the suffocating walls of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, and now, silenced within the grim shadows of the Belmarsh Prison. Imagine, dear friends, the solitude, the relentless uncertainty, and the heavy burden he bears, all because he stood up for the Sacred Principle that Truth be accessible to ALL.  

In these times of war, truth is more vital than ever, where misinformation can divide and mislead us into ever greater violence. Julian's ordeal is not just his own but symbolises the determination of the forces of light in the face of those who choose darkness to hoard Power, between transparency and secrecy. The efforts to make an example of him aim not just to punish Assange but to intimidate anyone who dares to follow in his footsteps of transparency and revelation to expose the hidden facets of power.  

People's Shadows

A Vision of Liberation, Love & Truth

May his courage ignite within all of humanity a unified resolve to stand in solidarity.

Join us in this sacred co-creation, 

Where our intentions weave a tapestry of liberation, 

Visualise Julian stepping forth into the embrace of daybreak, 

His chains cast off, his spirit soaring with gratitude, 

Continuing his quest amid the chorus of the empowered. 


Feel the groundswell of our collective will, 

As we stand united, a formidable force of love and truth, 

Each prayer, each thought, a thread strengthening the weave, 

Crafting a reality where truth, freedom & love reign supreme. 

Let us Visualise Julian Assange, as a free man, walking in the sunlight, embraced by the love and gratitude of the world. Picture him continuing his sacred work, now supported and strengthened by a world awakened to its own power. A global community that values truth & love over secrecy & deception. Feel the joy and the peace that his freedom brings to the world and hold that vision with the unwavering belief that it is not only possible but imminent. Imagine the transformation across the planet as we choose to elevate truth and dismantle the structures of deceit. Let us send waves of love and light that are so potent they dissolve all barriers of fear and cruelty, pierce through the walls of confinement and touch the hearts of those who hold the keys to Julian’s freedom—from the judges to the policymakers, from the prison guards to the media—activating heart-led wisdom, courage and compassion to inspire decisions that are aligned with the highest good. May their hearts be touched by our love and moved by our collective call for truth and integrity in justice, May their consciousness be enlightened and guided towards decisions that reflect integrity, truth and justice. As we manifest Julian’s freedom, we are also healing a world torn by secrecy and fear. We are standing for truth, which is the ultimate light. This vision is within our reach. Let us channel our energies, prayers, and intentions to also fortify the foundations of a society built on love, transparency and integrity. For all beings on this earth to be able to freely dream, vision and frolic in the meadows, for all to aspire to great things for this earth and humanity. This vision also includes the children of the elites coerced and brainwashed into perpetuating this violent order leading to the unnecessary suffering of all. We want everyone to feel free to share truth. Let every meditation, every thought, and every action we take be a step towards a future where truth, love and freedom prevail over the interests of the powerful. We invite every sovereign being to step forward in unity and vibrational harmony. See this as an opportunity to choose a higher vibrational path, stepping beyond the cycles of shame, guilt, and jealousy that enslave us in the old ways. We are shifting our focus, diligently away from the fear, righteousness and drama that leads to war. We accept everyone has made mistakes in the past and it is now time to put a line in the sand, everyone, together in community. This is a call for integrity, urging all beings to resonate with higher vibrations and choose paths of honesty and love over exploitation of others for profit. Join us as we unite in spirit and purpose, invoking our collective power to free Julian Assange, a true warrior of truth and illuminate the path ahead for all who dare to speak truth to power. In this sacred gathering, let us send forth a surge of love and light so potent that it transforms the heart of the world. Our chant, "One for all, and all for one," will resonate as a call to action for light workers everywhere to transmute fear into freedom, oppression into courage, humility and wisdom. Let us be the catalysts for change, the voices that declare, "Enough! We stand for truth, for justice, for Julian." In this spirit of oneness, “One for all, and all for one,” let us join together in this sacred act of love and justice. Your presence, your energy, and your intention at this moment are crucial. Together, we can help turn the tide for a fellow light worker, a truth bringer, a man who dared to reveal the shadows so that we could live in the light.

A couple of weeks to change the course of history.

Shooting Star

Which timeline will you choose for our future?

Truth or deception?

Transparency or secrecy?

Freedom or imprisonment?

Envision these Alternative timelines

First, imagine a world where Nelson Mandela wasn't freed, where his light was extinguished within the cold walls of a prison cell, where voices for justice remained silent. What kind of a world would that be? We once rose into the pulsating heart of humanity and declared an emphatic "NO" to the darkness of apartheid. It was our collective ascent that carved the pathways of his freedom. We are at a similar crossroads today. Julian's potential extradition is a spectre that looms with a sentence that could shutter his light for lifetimes. Now imagine a world where Julian Assange was not hunted since 2010, where he continued to unveil the abusive secrets of authority. Or a world where we rose in unity and liberated Julian and other truth-tellers a decade ago! Consider the potential revelations that could’ve come during the tumultuous times of the Covid Pandemic and amidst the surging tides of authoritarian abuses. In our souls, we know: Truth could have been a beacon uniting us, preventing deception from turning us against one another by the politicisation of health. He was neutralised, muted at a juncture when clarity was most needed. What truths await to be illuminated about Palestine and Ukraine? WHO? WEF? His battle is not his to win alone; it mirrors the collective struggle for freedom and integrity in a world teetering on the brink of forgetting what it means to be free. Today, more than ever, the world cries out for the unbridled voice of Truth. Let us be the guardians of our access to Sacred Truth. Let us not give our power and trust to those who would censor it. We are called to action, not just for one man, but for the essence of truth itself. We are called into the pulsating heart of humanity once more.


We are called to action, not just for one man, but for 
the essence of truth itself.  
Let us stand together for freedom and integrity in a world teetering on the brink of forgetting what it means to be free and to be human

Now, as the shadow looms to eclipse the light, 

His plight intensifies—each moment a precious gem, 

His freedom, a cause that calls us to rise, 

For Julian’s fate intertwines with the soul of the world. 


This is our clarion call, 

To those who dream of a dawn where truth prevails, 

Where whispers of justice become the anthems of the free, 

Where light dissolves the lingering mists of deceit. 

Today the curse of disinformation “fake news” proliferates, and the mainstream media's credibility dims evermore. It is evident that the consequences of his persecution have already compromised journalistic integrity, as most journalists now just pander to power and spout their false narratives and slander the light. Julian’s work stands as a potent antidote to the venom of false news, and the insidious brainwashing of our collective by propaganda. Restoring and liberating our Truth-teller becomes ever more important now. 

We are the bearers of change, the weavers of the new Earth who can alter the course of history with the power of our united hearts.

We stand at a pivotal moment in history.  On 20th May 2024, decisions will be made that could lead to the conviction of our brother for 175 years! The decisions made about his fate will ripple through the ages.

Let us rise, as humanity has risen time and again, to echo that an era of transparency, integrity, and love can no longer be kept at bay. Julian Assange’s liberation will be a symbol of our collective will to manifest a world anchored in the higher reality of these values.

We do not accept the slanders nor bow to the shadows of fear and deception. We see through the veils to the truth that Julian has unfurled before us—to create a world where every child, every being, can thrive in the peace bringing light of truth. 

Two gatherings in the month of May:

8th of May - We initiate on the New Moon to plant the seeds, culminating in

19th of May - Main Event: Manifesting Freedom for Truth

In the quiet of our unity, a whisper grows loud, 

A chant for the free, a prayer for the bound, 

"Truth is the light, and in light, we trust, 

One for all, and all for one, in this truth we must."

Our manifestation is reaching back from the future already! Since March as we planned this global collective intention, big positive shifts have begun. Albanese has already shifted from neutral to backing a motion in Australia’s parliament in February calling for the release of Assange. Biden has indicated that he is considering dropping the charges. It is the collective power of our hearts that will tip the scales towards Truth & Freedom.

United, powerful, and resolute in our quest for truth and justice.

In the quiet of our unity, a whisper grows loud, 

A chant for the free, a prayer for the bound, 

"Truth is the light, and in light, we trust, 

One for all, and all for one, in this truth we must." 


True Power

Power over others using fear, manipulation and slander, is weak. As we choose to believe in the power of Truth and Love, we dissolve the powers of coercive control rooted in Fear. Let the oppressive ways of the old wither away in the light of our Love. 

Manifesting a New Earth: A world of Peace, truth, love and respect.


As we advocate for Julian, we also advocate for a new earth—a realm where each soul can freely express their truth, where integrity guides our leaders, and where love dissolves the old paradigms of control and corruption.  Many more of us are awakening to the Power we have when focusing on what we want, a new earth.

Let us harness the momentum in 2024 to shift into pure consciousness, awareness, courage, love and light creating a parallel timeline, as that old world dissipates its wars and chaos.

We can break the century old grievances of ongoing wars and exploitation and nurture beautiful thriving diverse communities across the globe that build lasting peace for the families.

Let us chant the mantra of “One for all, and all for one,” as we stand with Julian Assange and all truth-tellers across the globe to champion the cause of light workers everywhere. Let us transmute fear into freedom and oppression into humility and wisdom. fostering an environment of greater integrity and truth in every aspect of our lives.


Let us create in our reality a future worth living for our children.

Thank you for your hearts, your valour, your spirit divine, 

Together, let’s send forth a wave of love so fine, 

And may it guide Julian back to freedom’s embrace, 

In a world where truth and love forever interlace. 


On 19th of Feb 2024, Kennedy promised that if President Biden does not heed this call, then on “my first day in office, I will pardon Julian Assange and investigate the corruption and crimes he exposed.”

Lead up to the BIG EVENT

We are building momentum in the month of May for the 20-May hearing. Join us in the activities that most envigorate you to action. 

Definitely join the big event on the 19th of May: Global Manifestation Meditation.

The 8 May event is a facilitated activation for all attending on how to step into full power of intention to see-Julian-free.


Boy Jumping into Water

AEST, Australian Eastern Time
Wed, May 8, 6pm - 7pm (AEST)

AEST, Australian Eastern Time
Sun, May 19, 5pm - 6pm (AEST)


Thank you for your radiant hearts, your boundless spirits, and your commitment to manifesting a world where freedom and truth illuminate every corner of our existence.


Together, let our love and light guide Julian back to freedom, and in doing so, may we light the path for all humanity.  




Will you help humanity manifest this vision?

-Kirsten & Zašha


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