Experience meditation, breath, body movement and music to align the body-heart-soul to it’s ascension through tapping into ancient protocols.
Ascension & wisdom from the ancient Mu civilisation

Begin in the heart, with Simon guiding a Kogi Mamos heart meditation (a tribe from the pre-Colombian era, who came down from the Sierras in the 70s to share this meditation to restore the balance). As they proclaimed, the Great Change of the Age is upon us leading into 2024. The best way to prepare for this change is by raising personal consciousness so our nervous system can deal with ever increasing solar flares and balancing codes, pushing humanity to wake up and leave the 3rd dimension chaos (of money, war, time) transmuting fear and releasing all that no longer serves. This meditation brings the locus of consciousness into the centre of the heart, creating change – non egoic unity consciousness and direct connection to source. Its re-wires the Vargus nerve to unify left and right brain and helps the Merkabah to set in its most natural way.

Step then out of the timeline, back into the ancient Mu civilisation – Tiki (original humans) who were merged with Nature before the density increased. Kirsten will guide a body movement session, shape shifting with guided meditation, and powerful ancient Mu glyph symbol breath work to connect to our original blueprint. Mu protocols embracing the infinity loop where the core is balance, the zero point of implosion to all possibilities. When we restore our natural blueprint default, we immediately shed the programming of limitation back into the absolute power of oneness.

I AM. Ahau. The first symbol of Mu. And the Maori word for Me.
These powerful protocols spark the desire to share and teach this to others, so be prepared to unleash your own soul calling so together we bring about the new earth in the most sweet and simple ways.
In closing, Simon brings the energy to its locus point of all possibilities, with a Kyria yoga breath-work meditation practice which calls us to release and expand using the protocols of Ascension to spark teacher training in us all!
Free from ego, we learn together, restored once more. Nothing can stop us.
What to bring:
Bring a yoga mat while lying down and then connect barefoot to the earth in body movement and music.
If you are coming to the festival
Make sure you bring:
Festival ticket (printed or on your phone)
Cash/Eftpos card (note: select vendors may not accept Eftpos)
Reusable plate, cup, and cutlery for our waste-free event
Reusable water bottle to stay hydrated
Appropriate ID for children, teens, and seniors
Yoga mat, camping chair, and picnic blanket for comfort
Accommodation gear (tent, campervan, house bus)
Sleeping essentials and towels
Suitable footwear (or go barefoot!)
Warm clothing for the evenings
Waterproof jacket for unexpected showers
Torch for nighttime navigation
Personal toiletries and medications
Your positive energy and good vibe
Let us know as we can offer you a discount as part of our group. See our booking page to contact us.

About the Facilitators
Simon was initially a journalist and then an antique auctioneer in London. In the early-90s Simon had an ‘awakening’ in the Giza pyramid after being led there to do a story on the persecution of Christians in Egypt. While interviewing a ninety-year-old priest, he was told, “You are not authentic,” triggering within Simon the desire to change his life.
A series of synchronistic events led him to Australia, where he was initiated into Kyria Yoga, Tantric alchemy, Egyptian Reiki and the heart centred teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Simon became an initiate of the Lemurian Ascension system of Telos, after a ‘heart’ Shaman from Kauai came to Australia to ‘find’ him, opening his heart under a pyramid of copper and crystal.
Seven years ago a Kakadu Law keeper guided Simon into Song Line electromagnetic connection across the Northern Beaches of Sydney. When the Law keeper left, he asked Simon to look after a particular site. Subsequently Simon has been holding space on ancient sites, most often with Women, to honour and restore a divine feminine mystery school, as the rebalancing of male female energies takes place in the Ascension into Aquarius.

Kirsten is a human potential leader in culture and change in large organisations yet lived off grid with her family for over 7 years, originally from Taranaki, Te Atiawa as well as Waikato iwi.
Her ancestors and kuia inspired her to value community, so she travelled the world and led ecovillage initiatives. She is a TedX speaker on bamboo and took people throughout the world to learn the benefits of bamboo as a sustainable resource (to save our trees from harvest). What was missing was the heart approach and ascension protocols.
Meeting Simon, experiencing the subtle protocols of sitting on country in the heart, propelled an awakening of her ancient Maori, Polynesian and Mu ancestral memory.
She founded newearthdreaming.org and runs co-created retreats in Australia with Simon on North Stradbroke Island with First Nations elders from its original name of Quandamooka Country and they have a Retreat on Waiheke Island after this festival starting at the Piritahi Marae from 12th March 2024.