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Cacao -  Gatherings - Retreats

Mama Mu

We live in an extraordinary time. For those who lift their eyes from the momentum of current world, to a new world - New Earth or better said as the First, Pure earth. Where tribes and families were held in love, beauty and light and dark. We had healers, shamans-tohunga, teachers and elders to guide us. We had oneness, balance and harmony. Explore this world with us, at our gatherings, let Mama Cacao bring you back to your heart so you can explore like a child again, PURE-INNOCENT-WILD (untamed). Immerse into a way to connect back again to ALL. We call it IO - the supreme being (non male-female) who wanted Love and Beauty and a way to expand - ever exploring itself, as US. We are IO. We are at the outer realm of third-dimension, polarity, duality, separation, it is a maze to explore this realm. But with the guidance of the ancient ways, we can re-awaken our ancient-eternal-infinite self. Come play, learn, share and purchase the most divine Pacific Cacao straight from Pacific Farmers made with Love. Mama Cacao is fully activated and it is close to our home to reunite us with our Pacific Family where the ancient Mu - motherland is now submerged but the spirit of pure-innocent wisdom is fully alive, in us, as we return to our knowing and our whanau-family. Is that you? Join us.

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Our Three Feather Kaupapa (Principles)

Image by NASA




Image by Ivana Cajina


Parihaka was one of the first pacifist movements, from Taranaki, Aotearo (NZ).
Glory to Supreme Being (IO),
Peace on Earth (AROHA-Love),
Goodwill to all (AO-Light)

Ghandi learned of Parihaka before he used Pacifist approaches. 

Our Cacao is the portal to the heart.
Our Gatherings are a portal back to oneness.
Our Retreats are a portal to ones restoration of true power. 
Contributions, involvement & co-creating is our way.
Experience, help, shift, become a part of it.
That is the way of the ancient Wananga-learning approach.

Cacao we use

In our activations & made available

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Ko Wai Koe?

"What are your waters - who are you?- Ko Wai Koe? - is a term in Maori when we greet each other. Where do your waters come from? What is your geneology - whakapapa - lineage. Who is your whanau-family-iwi-tribe-hapu-sub tribe? You are not just you, separate from the cosmos. You are one with all. Find your way back to the greatness that lies within. We as guardians of Mana (caring for land and people) support you. If you resonate, join us and co-create with your own gifts as you enter this portal of oneness. 

"Ko Kirsten-Ara-Herangi toku ingoa. Ko Waitara toku Awa (My Water-Wai-River is Waitara), Ko Taranaki toku Maunga (My mountain where my river flows to the ocean is Taranaki).
What are your waters?

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Nature is Real

Looking around this destructing world can be traumatic. Yet growing, prospering in the nooks and cracks of man-made creations, is Nature. It is REAL. It is Love and Beauty and Perpetual. Anything that is not these 3 things is not real - is a con program, or illusion that cannot perpetuate itself unless we unconsciously believe it can. Which is what we have become accustomed to over centuries -our light beaten out of us, our pure, true self. Told to conform, live in fear, find false security, and accept our plight. Well, we are Giants! - eternal, infinite in genious'ness, when we return to Love, Beauty and find our way back to being perpetual - which requires a great sacredness - to honour our power and role and feel connection to the ancentral lineage. We are IO - the great supreme being in fractals, experiencing, able to return to this pristine state as nature continues to live, alongside our chaos.  It is quite simple. Find your tribe again - Mama Cacao is an ancient plant medicine, gentle but transforming to start the journey. Our Cacao is from the Pacific - made with love by our whanau friends. Return to knowing what you put into your body - which is sacred. Honour you. Honour the New Earth.

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Nth Stradbroke Isl, QLD.
Northern Beaches, Sydney.

Byron Bay, NSW.

Waiheke Isl, NZ.

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